
Pr. José Durón
Assistant in
Evangelism Matter
for the President of the
Central Honduras Conference


The ACH Evangelism department works to inspire and promote public evangelism among pastors and local church leaders.

The task of doing evangelism is related to the fulfillment of the mission that the Church must achieve. Therefore, evangelism must involve all areas, members, and departments of the Church.


The Evangelism department’s mission is to teach and lead pastors and local leaders to do evangelism. Coordinate the evangelism program of the Association. Work with all departments of the Church in the orientation of the objectives of evangelism.


  1. Promote evangelism planning for the Association.
  2. Develop and coordinate plans and strategies to achieve the objectives of evangelism.
  3. Emphasize training programs for pastors and elders in activities to win people for Christ.
  4. Seek to teach new and old methods.
  5. Produce materials for the evangelism program.
  6. Facilitate the acquisition of equipment for evangelism.
  7. Carry out evangelism campaigns throughout the Central Association of Honduras.
  8. Motivate pastors to carry out their own campaigns.
  9. Support departments and the Ministerial Association in motivating volunteer workers.
  10. To minister evangelism courses.
  11. Promote baptisms.
  12. Work together with the Global Mission department to reach new places.
  13. Preserve growth statistics.
  14. Promote Integrated Evangelism.
  15. Promote Sunday night evangelistic services and baptismal Bible classes.