Welcome to the website of the Association Central of Honduras. The Lord has called us to take the gospel to all people and to every corner of the world. It is for this reason that we must take advantage of all possible means to do so, including digital media.

Seeking to achieve this goal we have created this website. You can fully explore it and please help us share it so that more people know the God of Love in which we believe.


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03 Preparation of the Evangelistic Sermon / Oratory

Sermon Selection, Sermon Preparation, Sermon Presentation

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02 Bible Study for Evangelistic Preaching

– Bible study methods and techniques – Biblical hermeneutics – Propedeutics – Application of biblica…

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01 Introduction to Evangelistic Preaching

– The difference between preaching for the church and evangelistic preaching – Myths and realities o…

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Convention of Church Elders and Church Secretaries

Discipleship Training for Elders, Home Group Leaders and Secretaries from our ACH Administrators and…

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Personal Ministries