Christian Stewardship

Pr. José Alvarado

The Stewardship Ministries Department of the Central Association of Honduras exists for the purpose of helping each believer identify with Biblical precision what their role is in the process of establishing and consummating the kingdom of Christ. The kingdom of heaven is a treasure; the greatest, and Stewardship Ministries serves the purpose of helping you secure your share and eternal inheritance in that kingdom.

Stewardship was born in the same master mind of our Creator, which is why not only its origin is divine but its fulfillment is also divine; so it must be part of the life of the human being every day and especially of the Adventist Christian. The focus of the Stewardship department should prompt us to think about what the church by history has called the 4 “T” namely, TIME, TEMPLE, TREASURES and TALENTS. Likewise, it should be to motivate all members of the congregation and even their friends, to show their gratitude to the Creator for the goodness, mercies and gifts granted even without deserving them, through their fidelity in the proper use of all the valuable resources they have been assigned to manage.

PHILOSOPHY:Stewardship is the lifestyle of one who accepts the lordship of Christ and forms a partnership with God, acting as his agent in the management of his affairs here on earth. In Jesus Christ, God restored the divine-human relationship and reestablished his kingdom on earth. In this way, the gospel provides reconciliation between God and humanity. Christ became the second Adam, regaining again the lost stewardship of humanity. Stewardship today begins with the recognition of the sovereignty of God as Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer and Owner.

MISSION: Develop the potential of each disciple of Christ in order to ensure the prompt consummation of the kingdom of heaven.

VISION: Everything I am and everything I have, offered on the altar of service to Christ.


  1. Clearly state a biblical vision of stewardship and the integration of the lordship of Jesus Christ into every area of existence, and invite people to a total surrender of life and all resources and possessions to the lordship of Jesus Christ.
  2. Develop and present a biblical approach to stewardship, as a lifestyle lived in union and partnership with God.
  3. Continue the educational work on tithes and offerings, as well as the implementation of the Adventist Financial Support Plan. This will help church members increase understanding of their role in the corporate stewardship of the church as the body of Christ, its financial support through systematic benevolence, and the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding individual and giving systems. corporate.
  4. Develop appropriate concepts and resources to train members and leaders to implement stewardship principles, especially those materials that cannot be produced as economically and efficiently in the division or union office.