The Master Guide (GM) curriculum is one of the leadership programs used by the General Conference Youth Ministries Department to train people for youth leadership. It’s the “Ph.D.” of youth ministry in the field. You cannot get your Master Guide without taking at least one Basic Staff Training (BST) course.
The Master Guide is the expert, the counselor, the promoter of Adventurers and Pathfinder. As such, MG NOT it is a Pathfinder program, it is a Youth Ministry Leadership Program.
With one click, you can have one of the most current leadership development programs for youth ministry in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. This concept uses the Master Guide curriculum as the foundation for junior youth ministry leadership and helps keep youth leaders sharp, up-to-date, and focused on why we are in this business anyway.
This continues to be the highest level of leadership within the Adventurer/Pathfinder programs of the church. It focuses on one’s personal spiritual life and growth first and foremost. General leadership skills are then woven into the sharpening of those skills, which are specifically geared to leading youth in God-ordained areas of development: understanding God’s world of nature, outreach ministry, service to others and a life-style that denotes healthy living.
As one church leader of the past put it so simply: “You can’t teach what you don’t know, and you can’t lead where you won’t go.” As leaders we must not only be good at spouting theory if we expect to see success with our youth ministry; we must live what we preach and demonstrate it.