Discipleship Training for Elders, Home Group Leaders and Secretaries from our ACH Administrators and Zone Coordinators.

The meeting was held under the following pillars:
- Pillar of inspiration under the direction of our president Pr. Naun Alvarado.
- Training pillar under the direction of the coordinator of zone 4, Pr. Kelvin Molina.
- Pillar of evolution under the direction of the administration of the Central Association of Honduras.
- Planning pillar of the PASTORIAD and TAI programs under the direction of Pastors Naun Alvarado and Cesar Eguigure
- Pillar of motivation under the direction of Pr. Naun Alvarado.
This spiritual celebration ended with the delivery of the pins to the pastors and elders, in commemoration of the 100 years of the Inter-American Division.
We highlight the delivery of his years of service pin to Pr. Hosea Torres Corrales, a pastor who is already in the charity plan of the Adventist Church, who actively served the church for 32 years.

The following pastors were recognized:
- Pr. Naun Alvarado 18 years of active service.
- Pr. Manuel López 24 years of service.
- Pr. Cesar Eguigure 15 years of service.
- Pr. Kelvin Molina 10 years of service.
The service of the district pastor was also recognized:
- Pr. Edwin Ruiz
- Pr. Marcos Mejía
- Pr. Never Rugama
- Pr. Edgar Brizo
- Pr. Oscar Brizo
- Pr. Juan Ruiz

The faithful work of more than 80 church elders from the districts of zones 3 and 4 was also recognized.